Cube |


Cube was a game I created (mainly for my uncle) when I first learned how to use gravity in GameMaker.

The game was later ported to GameMaker: Studio.

Most of the game's assets are either straight from the GameMaker library or slightly edited versions of them, as I did not then and am not to this day very good at creating assets for myself 😄.

This game can be called my first game, although there were some previous attempts that are now sadly lost to history. It was also the last thing I created in GameMaker before moving on to Unity.

The game is quite broken in its web-exported state, and because one of the altered mechanics is essential to beat some levels, the game cannot be won. There is a cheat that can allow access through these levels, and that is by pressing W.

Pressing W will advance the level counter (it can advance more than one level if you don't press it fast enough).

Tue Dec 27 2016