The game originally started as my learning unity project with the name Game_With_Tilemaps later, it was renamed to CheeseCube after one of my friends suggested the player square looks a bit like a mouldy cube of cheese.
The game is heavily based on my original Cube game and borrows level design here and there.
I had a lot of beta testers for this game as after I played it multiple times in class. Others wanted to try it too, and in the end, a significant portion of the class was playing it (while our english teacher was trying to teach us) and giving me game feel feedback as well as many bug reports.
The game was never finished, as I decided to scrap the project and start with it anew later. But to this day, it is the most finished version of this game I created.
There was even a story a long time ago, so long in fact that I cannot remember most of it today, but here and there, throughout the game, signs of it remain.
Tue Aug 21 2018